Friday, October 2, 2009

Worth every letter

Today I want to quote a whole paragraph, I am not sure if this is called quote or paraphrase or what! all I know is that I have an amazing writer friend who is going thru tough times.
and it seems that the best writings/ideas in writers come out either when they are going thru their best times ever (like love, luck, money, happiness) or the worst times (like economic problems, family troubles, death or even divorce) Here it goes:

"I guess it is easier said than done, isn't it? I can sit here and type and I can put the best act in front of the world, and I can smile to each customer that I take care of, and I can tell jokes amongst my co-workers and be funny (because I'm funny) and sing songs all day, sing and sing and sing and sing, and I can help people, tell them the recipe for one of our dishes, tell the what is going on in tucson, what new specials we have coming up this week and tell them what wine best complements their meal. What kind of beer do we serve you ask? Like a robot I will tell them about the 16 beers we have and the 20 wines that are on our wine list, and the 20 ingredients that go on our salad, and which foods you can eat if you are gluten intolerant and how many times a year you can call in sick and use a doctors note and not get points, and how when I started working there, things where easier, and I can teach my kids how to cook, and help them with their homework, and I can cook some of the best meals I have ever cooked, I can cook shrimp and never overcook it, never have that horrible rubbery flavor. I can joke around with the cashier at fry's and have 144 friends on facebook, I can do so many things, and I can smile like everything is so right, y todas estas cosas son relativamente faciles, pero lo que no es facil es hacer cosas que jamas he echo antes, como por ejemple divorciarme. (and all those things are relative easy, but what is not easy is to do things I have never done before, for example getting divorce)"
What do you all think? I think this is worth every letter in gold!!!