Thursday, September 3, 2009

If you were a SPICE, which one would you be? and why?

What a question hu? Think about it, it might sound silly but if you give it a thought is tough! Yesterday while I was having lunch with some friends I asked them this questions and these were our answers: Sarah D would be Cardamon!
she said something like this (I'll paraphrase) ' It is a little subtle and a little goes along way' (I'll add it is not a common spice and a little excentric! too),

Melodi said she would be Paprika! because it is 'vibrant, colorful, present and it is a good base to build upon other spices! (I'll add to that,...that it it could be mild or very strong at times, depending on the type and combination with others). and me.....

I am CINNAMON, yeah! that's what I am. First of all I am light golden brown, not to dark and not too light...just right. It is usually related to sweet dishes, but if used right it goes very well with some savory dishes as well. It is subtle but very present. When something has cinnamon, you know it's there regardless of the amount. It is versatile and can be utilized in its different states: whole, crushed, powdered!!! It is totally an 'enhancer' to the main dish. It never wants to be the "star" but with out cinnamon the "star" wouldn't be the "star" OOOOhhhh yeah baby I am sooo cinamon!!!

If you were a spice? what would you be? and why!!!!!! think about it.......................

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